With all the tools that ensure a great remote work experience, there can be room from improvement when it comes to proper collaboration, beyond emails or video calls.

Digitalization of companies and virtual operations are becoming long term goals for a lot of companies, especially since the pandemic. Companies’ plans to shift operations digitally has been one of the key findings of a PwC survey with 699 CEOs throughout the world. At the end of the day, the virtual functionality kept these companies resilient during a global crisis with coronavirus.
Among the gains of remote work in the last months, team productivity has been one of the notable ones. Based on a Boston Consulting Group study, 75% respondents reported to maintaining or improving productivity in their individual tasks. On the other hand, with the isolation of working from a distance can get lonely. With all the tools that ensure a great remote work experience, there can be room from improvement when it comes to proper collaboration, beyond emails or video calls. However, remote collaboration doesn’t have to suffer, as far as you manage to get the right digital tool.
So, what would actually be the next best option to a physical office collaboration?
The answer is virtual office / virtual workspace.
Here’s why.
If you’ve been working remotely for a while now, you know that that it can get difficult to get hold of coworkers instantly. Just waiting for a reply and corresponding through texts takes enough of your time. Imagine if in addition to all that, you need to get them in a video call. You would most probably need to schedule that audio way in advance! And for every minute you spend on the ordeal of getting in touch with a coworker to collaborate, you could use for actual getting work done on your tasks.
Realities like this are what make virtual office softwares so useful.
These software tools are saving millions of companies from fatigue, isolation, and the lack of good old office banter you find in a physical workspace. But more than anything else, these platforms are demonstrating to be highly effective for team collaboration. Apart from the high quality audio features, these tools serve as office simulations that a team can access 24 hours a day. They have their own workspaces, conference rooms, and even lounge areas.
This means, in a common workspace with all your team members, the opportunity to communicate and spend time working together takes way less effort. It can be as easy as unmuting yourself, and voila!
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